CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency


The concept of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) has sparked growing interest worldwide over the past few years. CBDC, or digital currency issued by a central bank, has the potential to revolutionize modern financial systems and change the way we make payments. As more countries explore the introduction of central bank digital currencies, the number of questions regarding the benefits and challenges of this technology is also rising. Is CBDC the future of global finance, or does it carry risks to privacy and security? This article will take an in-depth look at what CBDCs are, how they work, and the potential benefits and risks associated with their implementation.

What is a CBDC?

CBDC, or Central Bank Digital Currency, is a form of digital currency issued by a country’s central bank. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, CBDCs are centrally managed and controlled by the state, making them more stable and secure in the eyes of governments and financial institutions. Central bank digital currency can take various forms, but it is always based on modern technologies, such as blockchain or distributed ledger technology.

CBDC is a digital version of traditional currency, such as the euro, dollar, or zloty. It is not a separate currency, like cryptocurrencies, but rather a new form of existing fiat money aimed at facilitating everyday transactions and improving the efficiency of the financial system. Unlike cash, CBDC exists only in digital form and is stored in digital wallets.

Differences Between CBDCs and Cryptocurrencies

One of the most frequently discussed topics when it comes to CBDCs is their relationship to cryptocurrencies. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are significant differences. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by any central authority. They rely on blockchain technology and operate on a consensus mechanism. In contrast, CBDCs are centrally managed, meaning the state or central bank controls their issuance, monitors transactions, and makes policy decisions. This makes CBDCs more stable but also less private than most cryptocurrencies.

Another key difference is the issue of anonymity. Cryptocurrency transactions are often anonymous (although not always fully), while CBDC transactions will be fully monitored by the central bank, raising questions about data privacy and security.

How Does Blockchain Technology Work in the Context of CBDCs?

CBDCs can utilize various technologies for their operation, including blockchain, or distributed ledger technology. Blockchain is a network composed of nodes (computers) that store copies of transaction data. Each transaction is added to a block, which, once approved, is added to the chain of blocks (hence the name “blockchain”). This creates an immutable record of all transactions.

Advantages of Blockchain in CBDCs

One of the main advantages of blockchain is its transparency and resistance to manipulation. Every user can see their transaction history, and changing data in one block would require changes to all previous blocks, which is practically impossible. Blockchain technology in CBDCs allows for secure storage and processing of data without the need for intermediaries. Thanks to blockchain, CBDCs guarantee fast and secure transactions both domestically and internationally. An example of a country exploring this technology is Sweden, where experiments with a blockchain-based digital krona are underway.

CBDC Implementation – Examples from Around the World

Around the world, more and more countries are exploring the possibilities of introducing central bank digital currencies. Examples of such initiatives can be found globally:


China is a leader in testing CBDCs. They have introduced the digital yuan, which is in the testing phase in selected cities and represents an electronic version of the Chinese currency. The digital yuan aims to increase payment system efficiency and strengthen government control over the money supply. In China, tests have advanced to the point where citizens can use the digital yuan in daily transactions.


Nigeria was one of the first African countries to introduce a CBDC – the eNaira. This digital currency aims to increase the financial inclusion of citizens and facilitate payments in a country where a significant portion of the population does not use traditional banking services.


Sweden is working on introducing the e-Krona as a response to the decreasing popularity of cash in the country. The digital krona would complement, rather than replace, cash, providing citizens with access to a secure, state-backed digital currency.

Benefits of Implementing CBDCs

Although the concept of CBDCs raises much debate, it undoubtedly has several benefits, including:

Increasing the efficiency of the payment system

CBDCs can significantly streamline payment systems by eliminating intermediaries and reducing transaction costs. This makes payments faster and cheaper for both consumers and businesses.

Financial Inclusion

The introduction of CBDCs could help increase financial inclusion in countries where a significant portion of the population does not have access to traditional banking services. With digital currency, unbanked individuals could use modern payment methods through mobile apps.

Security and Fraud Prevention

CBDCs can reduce the risk of fraud and money laundering, as each transaction is closely monitored by the central bank. Additionally, blockchain technology, on which they may be based, ensures a high level of data security and protection against tampering.

New Monetary Policy Opportunities

CBDCs can also offer central banks new tools for implementing monetary policy. For instance, they could enable precise control of the money supply and introduce innovative mechanisms, such as interest rates on digital currencies.

Challenges and Risks Associated with CBDCs

It is essential not to uncritically accept every financial solution due to the following factors:

Privacy Concerns

One of the main issues with CBDCs remains the question of privacy. Since digital currency is managed by the central bank, every transaction is monitored and recorded. This raises concerns that governments may excessively interfere with citizens’ privacy, tracking every step within the financial system.


Although blockchain technology provides a high level of security, CBDCs may still be vulnerable to cyberattacks. CBDC systems must have robust security measures to prevent hacking and data manipulation.

Centralization and Control

While CBDCs can reduce reliance on traditional banks, they also increase centralized control over the financial system. Central banks will have greater influence over monetary policy, which could raise concerns about excessive government intervention in the economy.

Impact on the Banking Sector

The introduction of CBDCs could alter the way traditional banks operate. If citizens and businesses choose to store their funds in CBDCs, commercial banks may lose some customers and deposits. This, in turn, could impact their stability and the availability of credit.

Cash Diversification

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Are CBDCs the Future of the Financial System?

While the introduction of CBDCs seems inevitable in many countries, the question of whether they will be a revolution or a threat remains open. It’s worth understanding how this will play out in practice. On one hand, central bank digital currency can bring significant benefits, such as increased payment efficiency, financial inclusion, and strengthened monetary policy. On the other hand, there are real risks associated with privacy, cybersecurity, and the centralization of power over the financial system.

Each country that decides to introduce CBDCs must thoroughly examine these issues and develop appropriate mechanisms to protect citizens. The future of CBDCs thus depends on how they are designed and implemented. As more countries, such as China, Sweden, and Nigeria, begin exploring CBDCs, it becomes increasingly clear that CBDCs hold great potential, but their implementation must be carefully safeguarded against the risks they may entail.

13 October 2024

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