Is it worth converting cryptocurrencies into cash?


Given the dynamic development of the cryptocurrency market, many people are questioning their actual value and significance. Are cryptocurrencies merely a passing fad, or do they represent a lasting change in the way we view money and utilize it?

This article presents and discusses the basic arguments for treating cryptocurrencies as independent assets with unique properties and potential. In seven points, it convincingly justifies why cryptocurrencies have their own value, exceeding their current exchange rates to fiat currencies such as the dollar or euro. The key aspects of this issue are:

  1. The intrinsic value of cryptocurrencies
  2. The acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment
  3. Decentralization and autonomy
  4. The limited supply of some cryptocurrencies
  5. Protection against inflation
  6. The global nature of cryptocurrencies and their accessibility
  7. Innovation and technological development

Analyzing these aspects will help understand why cryptocurrencies should not be evaluated solely through the lens of their exchange rates against traditional currencies, but as independent assets with their own value and potential to revolutionize the global financial landscape.

The intrinsic value of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are often regarded as assets with independent value, similar to gold or silver, valued for their physical properties and limited availability. Their value arises not only from limited supply, like in the case of Bitcoin, but also from blockchain technology, ensuring transaction security and transparency. Thanks to their innovative technological base, cryptocurrencies are recognized as a new asset class, capable of redefining the global financial system.

The value of cryptocurrencies also partly depends on their utility. Ethereum, by enabling the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, drives automation and innovation across various sectors – from finance to supply chains. Limited supply, security, and practical applications underscore the intrinsic value of cryptocurrencies, distinguishing them as more than just digital counterparts to traditional currencies.

The acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment

The development of payment infrastructure and the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies by businesses worldwide underscore their independent value. Accepting payments in cryptocurrencies – from small businesses to large corporations – allows for direct, fast, and global transactions without financial intermediaries, effectively enhancing the utility of cryptocurrencies as a medium of exchange, independent of conventional currencies and payment systems.

Technological progress and increasing awareness mean that cryptocurrencies are seen not only as speculative tools but as real means of payment, offering tangible benefits, such as lower transaction fees or greater privacy. Platforms like BitPay, enabling merchants to accept cryptocurrencies globally, reinforce the belief in their standalone value.

Decentralization and autonomy

Decentralization distinguishes cryptocurrencies from conventional currencies and financial systems, providing greater financial freedom and reducing the risk of political or economic manipulation. The absence of a central authority, like a central bank or government, carries significant ideological value for cryptocurrency supporters, but also offers practical solutions for people in countries with unstable currencies or limited access to banking.

The global nature of cryptocurrencies, unaffiliated with any state or financial institution, allows for the storage and transfer of value without geographical restrictions. Due to their limited supply and independent value, cryptocurrencies are often compared to gold.

Decentralization not only lowers transaction costs and entry barriers, allowing for direct exchanges between users from different parts of the world, but also strengthens security and privacy. The lack of a central point of control makes the system more difficult to attack and censor, increasing its resilience.

The limited supply of some cryptocurrencies

Limited supply is a significant factor in the value of some cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, with a maximum supply of 21 million coins, is often called “digital gold” because of its artificial scarcity, which may protect its value from depreciation over the years. Similarly, the limited quantity of gold in the world maintains its price. This characteristic enhances the attractiveness of cryptocurrencies as stores of value, especially in the face of financial uncertainty and rising inflation in traditional currencies.

The combination of limited supply with growing recognition and acceptance suggests that the value of cryptocurrencies may increase in the long term. The prospect of this value motivates investors and users to treat cryptocurrencies as long-term investments rather than quickly converting them into fiat currencies, which can reduce the pressure to sell and support value growth.

Protection against inflation

Cryptocurrencies are often considered a hedge against the inflation of fiat currencies, mainly due to their limited supply and independence from the monetary policy of central banks. In the face of rising inflation, which erodes the purchasing power of traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies can offer alternative means of storing value, resistant to depreciation caused by political decisions or money issuance.

Such protection against the loss of value makes cryptocurrencies an attractive asset for those seeking to protect their resources from inflation. Especially in countries with high inflation, they can serve as a key financial tool, guaranteeing the protection of savings value, confirming their value independent of traditional currencies.

Global character and accessibility

Due to their digital nature, cryptocurrencies offer global accessibility. By enabling fast and efficient international transactions, they serve as an ideal medium of exchange for international trade and individuals sending funds to their home country. Their universalism proves particularly valuable in the context of increasing globalization, significantly facilitating cooperation and conducting international business.

Additionally, anyone online can use cryptocurrencies, which significantly democratizes access to finance. In regions with limited access to banking, crypto assets offer a financial alternative, allowing for the storage and exchange of value without a bank account. This widespread accessibility not only raises their practical value but also contributes to increasing the inclusiveness of the global financial system.

Innovation and technological development

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain stand at the forefront of technological innovation, revolutionizing the economy and society. Groundbreaking applications, such as DeFi, DAOs, and NFTs, are disrupting conventional notions of money and ownership, offering new business models and transaction methods that are efficient, transparent, and secure. Developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency areas enable automation and reduce transaction costs, also allowing users greater control over their data and assets.

The impact of cryptocurrencies on the digital services sector is also significant. Smart contracts automate business processes, eliminating the need for intermediation, which lowers costs and increases efficiency. Integration with AI and IoT indicates the potential of cryptocurrencies for digital transformation, making them a key component of future innovations.

The long-term impact of cryptocurrencies, with their potential to change the way financial transactions are conducted, data managed, and digital interactions occur, could be comparable to the effects of introducing and spreading the global internet. Similar to the internet, cryptocurrencies promote global collaboration, transparency, security, and innovation, becoming a catalyst for digital transformation.


Cryptocurrencies, often compared to gold for their limited supply and independent value, utilize blockchain technology to ensure transaction security and transparency, making them a revolutionary asset class in the global financial system. Their value arises not only from limited availability but also from practical application, as with Ethereum, which drives innovation through decentralized applications and smart contracts. The increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies as means of payment, thanks to the development of payment infrastructure and tangible benefits such as lower transaction fees and greater privacy, underscores their autonomous value. Decentralization and the limited supply of certain cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin) protect their value against inflation and monetary policy, while their global nature and accessibility democratize finance, allowing anyone with internet access to participate in the global financial system. Innovations and technological development in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors, such as DeFi, DAOs, and NFTs, open up new business and transactional opportunities, heralding an era of digital transformation as groundbreaking as the introduction of the internet.

16 March 2024

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